We are making delicious cookies. First we looked at the ingredients, next we made the dough and then we baked them in the oven. They tasted lovely and we really liked them.
Hello and welcome to Dosbarth 2's blog page. We will be posting photographs soon of some of the exciting things we have been learning about. Our theme this term is Toy Story. We will be learning all about toys: old toys, moving toys, toy shops and much more. Each week will be themed around a particular type of toy.
A massive thank you for all your efforts with this terms home task. We have really enjoyed looking at and talking about all your lovely creations that go up up and away.
- Miss Davis
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Welcome to dosbarth 2
Miss Davis teaches Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning.
Mrs Dyer teaches Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday
Mrs Wilkins and Mrs Pennington are in the classroom everyday.
Friday, 1 April 2011
Mrs Flanary Davies would like to say a HUGE thank you to all the parents from Dosbarth Dau for making her feel so welcome as she joined the school.